I watched with fascination, the cooperation of a pair of mockingbirds. They were busy feeding their new born chicks in my chaste berry tree. While one was on a mission to find breakfast, the other guarded the nest with synchronized wing flapping. A fierce presence indeed! As the other landed with a tasty treat held firmly in its beak, the once guard flew away in search of the next morsel. This went on for 20 minutes. Back and forth, a seamless display of unity and equinimity. Nature at its finest! No one resisted. No one judged. A flow of life feeding life...giving life.
My heart was moved...and from witnessing these peacemakers working in tandum, a poem emerged.
June 23, 2020
Forgotten hearts
The east and the west
The black and the white
There is no one without the other
This mind makes it this and that
Is and was
Then and now
Coffee or tea
Does it really matter
Oh the spin, the spin orbits around who I am
And sinks it teeth of righteousness into fascination of self
And claims to know, to know
what you should be and do
According history or heritage
And paved narrow roads
These troubled times
necessary and cleansing
Celebrated and cried over
Hurtful and joyous
We see it all
The statutes fall
And history crumbles
To see now
The east and west
The black and white
As one not other
The closed minds
The closed doors
The choking truth
Of difference
Believed in
When all one can say
is I can’t breathe
I shall die in these streets
Calling for my mother
Don’t look away
The dark veils are being lifted
From the clotted wounds of time
When humans knew no better
Stuck in the bandages of indifference
So we pray and hope
As the face of the books limitations continue
The fragmentation of spirit
Forgotten hearts, sleeping angels
The wisdom seeds are here
in a breeze where
The heart sits still
Crying and listening
And breathing for all who have forgotten
And all who cannot. – Rebecca Kronlage